Welcome to www.elderlawbrothers.com, the Elder Law / Trusts and Estates website of The Alberto Brothers Law Firm’s website.
We are a true family first law practice.
Our Elder Law firm has its origins in a family business. Our parents are both physicians who founded their practice, smack-dab in the middle of one of the most densely populated community of senior citizens in the United States of America.
Accordingly, my brother and I were and are exposed to the challenges that the Elderly and Senior population as they entered the Golden Years of their lives. We noticed that the elderly were often sick. Loved ones passed. Concerned Caretakers and loving Children were stressed. The question of “Where will we live and who will take care of us?” abounded. How can we protect the fruit of our hard-earned labor from taxes?
Because we know that the Elderly face unique challenges, my brother and I take care to gently guide you and your family towards the right solution. We love dealing with concerned children and caretakers. We are honored by the opportunity to work with the wisest among us, our beloved Senior clients who are so concerned about their legacy.
We have offices in Toms River, Forked River (Ocean County) and Old Bridge, New Jersey (Middlesex County). Our services include the preparation of Last Wills and Testaments, Medicaid Applications, Medicaid Spendowns, Guardianships, Powers of Attorney, Advanced Directives and Living Wills, Health Care Power of Attorneys, Special Needs Trusts, and representation of executors / executrix in estate distributions.
We look forward to working with you!
The Alberto Brothers Law Firm