Posts Tagged ‘Coma’

End-of-Life Planning

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

An Advanced Directive and Living Will, as it names implies, directs (1) who your health care representative will be in the event you are unable to articulate your health care decisions to your doctor or hospital and (2) what type of treatment you would desire in the event you are unconscious and the type of medical treatment you would desire in that context.    Many people remember the Terri Schiavo case, as illustrative of this type of problem.

While it is often over looked by most Attorneys, we believe that end-of-life planning encompasses not only health care decisions, but of course familial and spiritual / religious decisions.  Many attorneys do not care about religious considerations, but it is of utmost importance to us.

If you desire assistance or have questions about Advanced Directives or Living Wills, please contact the Alberto Brothers Law Firm at 732-200-0779.